Post by Saints4ever on Mar 29, 2012 21:51:01 GMT -5
This guide is being developed in order to help assist you while pkin with The Saints. You should review the guide and make sure you understand the terminology as it will be used during our trips.
1. Stay with Saints4ever at all times. If you are not WITH him, you are in the wrong place. DO NOT run off chasing singles.
2. FALL IN means FALL IN NOW (unless you are attacking someone AND you are WITH SAINTS4EVER - in other words if you are fighting and you cannot see Saints4ever then u should stop fighting and fall in)
3. All chat should take place in the friends chat. Only Saints4ever and callers are allowed to speak in public.
4. Only Saints4ever and callers are allowed to call worlds and kills.
5. Follow all commands and rules.
All in - The same as "fall in". To follow the leader or elected person (eg. Fi on Soul = Everyone follows Soul)
AS - Anti-snipe; targeting enemy snipers
Att - Attack (either the act of attacking someone or something, or the combat stat)
Auto off - Turn off the auto-retaliate feature
Bind - To cast bind spells and therefore hold opponents in one spot, stopping them from running around
BS - to backstab; attacking other members of one's own clan.
DC - Disconnect (presumably from the server)
Death Dot (DD) - Death Dot; every member must stand on the same space to appear as one character on the minimap
Death Dance - A warring formation where members of a clan are following each other in a perpetual motion pattern so that no member is stationary
Death March - When players walk independently in the same direction. Used primarily as an intimidation tactic
Drag - To run as far as possible when attacked to lure the opponent away from the main battle
Fall in (Fi) - To follow the leader or elected person
Freeze - To cast any of the ice spells in the Ancient Magicks spellbook, or use bolas or any other methods of preventing a target from moving
"Get a click" - To hover your cursor over an enemy player in anticipation of attacking them once your current opponent has died
Hop - to switch worlds
Hug - To run around a barrier object in order to make it difficult for enemies to attack
"In" - enter
Log - to log out of the game to avoid getting attacked, or to switch worlds
Lure - To send a single player up against a foe as bait and then run back to the clan with the foe chasing them
"Off" - stop attacking a target immediately
Pile jump (PJ) - To attack the victor of a one-on-one death match.
Pot/pot up - To drink stat-enhancing potions.
Pray Mage - To activate the protect from Magic prayer or curse
Pray Melee - To activate the protect from Melee prayer or curse
Pray Ranged - To activate the protect from Ranged prayer or curse
Priv off - To set one's private chat to offline
Re-pot - To drink potions in the midst of an event to replenish stat boots
Regroup - When a clan has spread out too thinly over a location, they select a meeting place to rendezvous before continuing with their event. Usually this location is with the leader.
Return - As soon as you die, bank more eqquipment and supplies and get back to the fight
"Robes out" - A command to switch one's equipped gear from armour to magic robes
Run - A player's energy level (eg. 50 run = 50% energy)
Rush - To quickly attack another player or clan without warning
Skulling - The act of attacking in the wilderness when previously "unskulled"
Snipe - To attack a member other than the one assigned by the caller
Spec - To activate a weapon's special attack
Spread (out) - To leave a fall-in (ie, to stop following a leader) and scatter randomly around an area
Tab - To teleport using a tablet
Tb - Teleport block
Tele - To teleport away. In a PVP context, to teleport out of a fight to safety.
Transition - To switch to a new "pile" before the current "pile" is dead
“username” - The act of all players in a clan attacking the person called.
w# - The world to switch to (eg. w39 = World 39)
X out - To disconnect
50 Port - The ancient portal in level 50 wilderness
Altar - Chaos Altar in level 38 Wilderness
Ardy - Ardougne Lever
BH - The crater in the wilderness that was formerly the bounty hunter crater
Camp - Bandit Camp
Dwarves - the chaos dwarves near the "piper"
East gate - the members' gate in the wilderness EAST of the greater demons
Edge - Edgeville
Gap - The small pass between two lava rivers south of the greater demons
Ruins - Greater demons at Demonic Ruins
Mage Bank (MB) - The lever and corresponding building that accesses the bank next to the mage arena
Maze - The ruins in the far north-east Wilderness, or less commonly the Lava Maze
Mossies - In a PVP context, the moss giant hill south of the spider hill
Multi - A multi-combat area
NBH - North Bounty Hunter, a reference to the northeast entrance to the Wilderness crater
Piper - The ghostly piper musician in the Wilderness, slightly south of the "lava gap"
Pond - The body of water that the Waka canoe arrives at near the Moss Giants in the wilderness
Red Dragons - The entrance to the Red Dragon Isle
Revs - The revenant dungeon (sometimes accompanied by the prefix "north" or "south" to denote the corresponding dungeon entrance)
RR - Rune rocks
SBH - South Bounty Hunter, a reference to the southeast or southwest entrances to the Wilderness crater
Single - A single-combat area
Single Strip - The single-combat area along the entire east coast of the Wilderness
Spiders - In a PVP context, the spider hill in deep wilderness
Var - Varrock
Wild/Wildy - The Wilderness
West Gate - The members' gate in the wilderness WEST of the greater demons
Rev Cave Map
1. Stay with Saints4ever at all times. If you are not WITH him, you are in the wrong place. DO NOT run off chasing singles.
2. FALL IN means FALL IN NOW (unless you are attacking someone AND you are WITH SAINTS4EVER - in other words if you are fighting and you cannot see Saints4ever then u should stop fighting and fall in)
3. All chat should take place in the friends chat. Only Saints4ever and callers are allowed to speak in public.
4. Only Saints4ever and callers are allowed to call worlds and kills.
5. Follow all commands and rules.
All in - The same as "fall in". To follow the leader or elected person (eg. Fi on Soul = Everyone follows Soul)
AS - Anti-snipe; targeting enemy snipers
Att - Attack (either the act of attacking someone or something, or the combat stat)
Auto off - Turn off the auto-retaliate feature
Bind - To cast bind spells and therefore hold opponents in one spot, stopping them from running around
BS - to backstab; attacking other members of one's own clan.
DC - Disconnect (presumably from the server)
Death Dot (DD) - Death Dot; every member must stand on the same space to appear as one character on the minimap
Death Dance - A warring formation where members of a clan are following each other in a perpetual motion pattern so that no member is stationary
Death March - When players walk independently in the same direction. Used primarily as an intimidation tactic
Drag - To run as far as possible when attacked to lure the opponent away from the main battle
Fall in (Fi) - To follow the leader or elected person
Freeze - To cast any of the ice spells in the Ancient Magicks spellbook, or use bolas or any other methods of preventing a target from moving
"Get a click" - To hover your cursor over an enemy player in anticipation of attacking them once your current opponent has died
Hop - to switch worlds
Hug - To run around a barrier object in order to make it difficult for enemies to attack
"In" - enter
Log - to log out of the game to avoid getting attacked, or to switch worlds
Lure - To send a single player up against a foe as bait and then run back to the clan with the foe chasing them
"Off" - stop attacking a target immediately
Pile jump (PJ) - To attack the victor of a one-on-one death match.
Pot/pot up - To drink stat-enhancing potions.
Pray Mage - To activate the protect from Magic prayer or curse
Pray Melee - To activate the protect from Melee prayer or curse
Pray Ranged - To activate the protect from Ranged prayer or curse
Priv off - To set one's private chat to offline
Re-pot - To drink potions in the midst of an event to replenish stat boots
Regroup - When a clan has spread out too thinly over a location, they select a meeting place to rendezvous before continuing with their event. Usually this location is with the leader.
Return - As soon as you die, bank more eqquipment and supplies and get back to the fight
"Robes out" - A command to switch one's equipped gear from armour to magic robes
Run - A player's energy level (eg. 50 run = 50% energy)
Rush - To quickly attack another player or clan without warning
Skulling - The act of attacking in the wilderness when previously "unskulled"
Snipe - To attack a member other than the one assigned by the caller
Spec - To activate a weapon's special attack
Spread (out) - To leave a fall-in (ie, to stop following a leader) and scatter randomly around an area
Tab - To teleport using a tablet
Tb - Teleport block
Tele - To teleport away. In a PVP context, to teleport out of a fight to safety.
Transition - To switch to a new "pile" before the current "pile" is dead
“username” - The act of all players in a clan attacking the person called.
w# - The world to switch to (eg. w39 = World 39)
X out - To disconnect
50 Port - The ancient portal in level 50 wilderness
Altar - Chaos Altar in level 38 Wilderness
Ardy - Ardougne Lever
BH - The crater in the wilderness that was formerly the bounty hunter crater
Camp - Bandit Camp
Dwarves - the chaos dwarves near the "piper"
East gate - the members' gate in the wilderness EAST of the greater demons
Edge - Edgeville
Gap - The small pass between two lava rivers south of the greater demons
Ruins - Greater demons at Demonic Ruins
Mage Bank (MB) - The lever and corresponding building that accesses the bank next to the mage arena
Maze - The ruins in the far north-east Wilderness, or less commonly the Lava Maze
Mossies - In a PVP context, the moss giant hill south of the spider hill
Multi - A multi-combat area
NBH - North Bounty Hunter, a reference to the northeast entrance to the Wilderness crater
Piper - The ghostly piper musician in the Wilderness, slightly south of the "lava gap"
Pond - The body of water that the Waka canoe arrives at near the Moss Giants in the wilderness
Red Dragons - The entrance to the Red Dragon Isle
Revs - The revenant dungeon (sometimes accompanied by the prefix "north" or "south" to denote the corresponding dungeon entrance)
RR - Rune rocks
SBH - South Bounty Hunter, a reference to the southeast or southwest entrances to the Wilderness crater
Single - A single-combat area
Single Strip - The single-combat area along the entire east coast of the Wilderness
Spiders - In a PVP context, the spider hill in deep wilderness
Var - Varrock
Wild/Wildy - The Wilderness
West Gate - The members' gate in the wilderness WEST of the greater demons
Rev Cave Map